Read about the nutrition facts, health benefits, nutritional value and calories found in Apricots

Apricots Nutrition

Although more famous in its dried form (akhrot) in India, apricots are yellowish to golden or orange-red coloured fruits that have a smooth and velvety feel. It has been cultivated and consumed since the ancient times. Apricots have a unique flavour that combine a peachy sweetness with a zesty tang. On the first bite, the fruit will ooze with juices that will keep you craving for more! Apart from the taste, there are numerous health benefits that apricots can provide you with, if consumed on a regular basis. If they are fresh and cooked well, apricots can last for a long duration of time. Many recipes include the use of this famous fruit. Go through the next section to learn about the history and how to select and store apricots in a suitable manner.



The history of apricots takes them back to Armenia of an unknown era. Hence the biological name: Prunus armeniaca or the ‘Armenian plum’ in common languages. Some sources locate the origin of apricots to the Chinese region while others believe that it was first cultivated in India around 3000 BC. From Armenia, it was brought to Europe by Alexander the Great. He exported several trees, one of which was the apricot, to regions in Greece. Apricots were brought to England in the mid 15th century during the time of Henry the VIII, when his gardener carried back these fruits from Italy. Spanish missionaries first brought them to California in USA, in late 18th century. The first recorded crop was located south of San Francisco in 1792. Today, Turkey, Italy, Russia, Spain, Greece, U.S.A. and France are leading producers of apricots. In India, these delicious fruits are found in abundance across Himachal Pradesh, Kashmir, Kulu and Shimla.


Health Benefits of Khubani (Apricots)

  • The high amounts of iron in apricots make it extremely beneficial for anemic patients as it increases the haemoglobin levels in the body. These foods are an excellent source of iron for women, after their menstrual cycle every month.

  • Apricots cause alkaline reactions within the digestive system, if eaten before meal. This aids in better digestion.

  • The pectin and cellulose content in apricots are effective in the treatment and prevention of constipation, by allowing smooth bowel movements.

  • Vitamin A, along with beta carotene, in apricots is essential for developing and improving eyesight.

  • Blending apricots with honey and water and consuming the same helps in lowering the body temperature by eliminating toxic wastes out of the body. Therefore, these fruits assist in the detoxification process.

  • Application of the fresh juice of apricot prepared from the leaves can be applied on areas affected with eczema, scabies, skin itchiness or sunburns. This helps in soothing any itchy sensations.

  • The high amount of mineral content in apricots makes them beneficial in the prevention and treatment of asthma, bronchitis, toxemia and tuberculosis.

  • Lycopene present in apricots reduces the oxidation of LDL cholesterol, thus preventing deadly heart diseases.

  • Apricots are known reduce the formation of gallstones and destroy intestinal worms.

  • High amounts of vitamin A, vitamin B17, lycopene and beta-carotene have been proven to prevent the risks of cancer and considerably reduce the size of tumours in cancer patients.

  • Apricot oil is known to be good in the treatment of earaches.

  • The powerful antioxidants in apricots fight against cell damage caused by the free radicals.


Nutritional Value & Calories In Apricots

Amount: 1 Apricot

Total Weight: 140 gm

Basic Components

2 g



Total Calories


Calories From Fats


Calories From Carbohydrates


Calories From Proteins


Total Carbohydrates

16 g

Dietary Fiber

2.8 g


13 g


8.2 g


3.3 g


1.3 g


84 mg

Fats & Fatty Acids

Total Fat

546 mg

Saturated Fat

38 mg

Monosaturated Fat

238 mg

Polysaturated Fat

108 mg

Omega-6 Fatty Acids

108 mg


Vitamin A

2696 IU

Vitamin C

14 mg

Vitamin E

1.2 mg

Vitamin K

4.6 mcg


42 mcg


56 mcg


840 mcg


13 mcg

Panto Acid

336 mcg

Vitamin B6

76 mcg


18 mg


546 mcg


14 mg


1.4 mg


363 mg


32 mg


280 mcg


109 mcg


108 mcg


0.14 mcg


How many calories in Apricot (per 100 gm)

Apricot has about 48 calories per 100 gm of weight


How to Buy Apricots

  • It is recommended to buy apricots during the peak season i.e. between May and August. Although imported ones are available, it is best those which are fresh and seasonal.

  • The golden and orange-red colour is ideal when choosing good apricots. Avoid those that appear green or pale yellow as these colours indicate premature or over-ripened apricots.

  • Also, select fruits according to the time by which you want to consume them. Apricots that are firm to touch have not ripened yet and those that are too squishy are over-ripened. Select the ones that are neither too firm nor too squishy, if you want plan on eating them within a day.

  • Unless the blemishes or bruising on apricots have penetrated the skin, there is no reason to worry while selecting them.

  • An apricot that is ripe will emit a sweet fragrance. This proves that the fruit is juicy and ready to eat.

Apricot Storage Tips

  • Ripe apricots can be put into a sealed container and stored in the refrigerator for 3-5 days. They must be consumed within this time or else, these fruits will lose out on the consistency and eventually turn bad.

  • Apricots that are unripe can be placed inside a paper bag at room temperature. This gives them enough time to ripen naturally. Apricots can be stored this way for a few days, according to the degree of maturity when purchased.

  • Freezing of apricots retains their shelf life for a period of 1 year. For this, it must be blanched in boiling water for a minute or two, plunged into cold water and then frozen.  

More About Apricots
