Read about the nutrition facts, health benefits, nutritional value and calories found in Asparagus

Asparagus Nutrition

Asparagus are medium sized bamboo shoot look-alikes with spear tops and bud-like, compact and pointed heads. Belonging to the Lily family, which include leeks, garlic and onions, asparagus is a bulbous plant measuring 39-59 inches with stout stems and feathery foliage. Although asparagus blossoms in spring, it can easily be found, all year round, in shades of green or greenish purple. Besides, there is another white variety of this vegetable that is grown underground to preserve its delicate flavour. Asparagus has almost a 100 different varieties, but only a few are edible. One of the reasons why asparagus is exquisite and unique is that it is hand-picked. Being a nutritional powerhouse, every part of this veggie reeks with nutrients. For more details about its history and health benefits, read the lines below.


Asparagus boasts of a long history tracing back to 200 BC, with records of its origin in the east Mediterranean and Asia Minor regions. It is scientifically known as Asparagus officinalis; the word ‘asparagus’ has been derived from the Greek word ‘asparagos’ meaning ‘sprout’ or ‘shoot’. Hailing from the Lily family, this green stalk was widely relished by the ancient Greeks but it was the Romans who cultivated it first. Asparagus was cultivated as per Cato’s instructions and techniques. Right from Pliny to Julius Caesar to Augustus, these tender and succulent shoots were widely patronized and considered a delicacy in the royal cuisine. It is for this reason that asparagus has been associated with an elite group of population. With the advent of the Renaissance period, asparagus was cultivated in the northern plains of Italy. It was later introduced in France and England in the 16th century, from where the early colonists brought it to America in the 19th century. This led to the gradual spread of asparagus throughout Europe, North America, Asia and Australia.


Health Benefits of Satavar, Satmuli (Asparagus)


  • Asparagus is one of the most significant vegetables, which is known to contain glutathione (GSH), an antioxidant, which is helpful in fighting deadly diseases such as cancer and Alzheimer’s disease.

  • Loaded with an abundance of amino acid called asparagine, this herbaceous shoot helps in eliminating wastes out of the body. It is for this reason that some people excrete smelly urine after consuming asparagus.

  • When taken in the form of juice, asparagus effectively reduces the acidity in the blood.

  • Asparagus also contains a unique phytochemical, which produces anti-inflammatory effects that are highly useful for relieving arthritis and rheumatism.

  • Particularly for people who are diabetic, asparagus when taken as a liquid contains healthy minerals that are essential for controlling blood sugar levels.

  • Asparagus, when consumed during pregnancy, assists in reducing the risk of birth defects and low birth weight. This is due to the presence of folic acid, calcium and other minerals.

  • Rich in potassium, vitamin A, folate and glutathione, asparagus acts an anti-ageing deterrent that protects cells against toxins such as free radicals.

  • It is one of the few vegetables, containing inulin, which feeds natural bacteria living in the large intestine. This prevents overgrowth of yeast and keeps the digestive system in good health.

  • The diuretic effects of asparagus are highly useful in relieving swelling and bloating caused due to premenstrual syndrome in women.

  • The strong composition of magnesium in asparagus aids in alleviating irritability, fatigue and depression.


Nutritional Value & Calories In Asparagus

Amount: 1 cup

Total Weight: 85g

Basic Components
1.9 g
20 mg
Total Calories

Calories From Carbohydrate


Calories From Fat


Calories From Protein


Total Carbohydrates

3.3 g
Dietary Fiber
1.8 g
1.6 g
Fats & Fatty Acids
Total Fat
102 mg
Saturated Fat
34 mg

Polyunsaturated Fat

43 mg

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

8.5 mg

Omega-6 Fatty Acids

34 mg
Vitamin A
643 IU
Vitamin C
4.8 mg
Vitamin E
0.96 mg
Vitamin K
35 mcg
122 mcg
120 mcg
831 mcg
Vitamin B6
77 mcg
44 mcg

Pantothenic Acid

233 mcg
20 mg
1.8 mg
12 mg
44 mg
172 mg
1.7 mg
459 mcg
161 mcg
134 mcg
2 mcg

How many calories in asparagus (per 100 gm)

Asparagus has about 20 calories per 100 gm of weight.


How to Buy Asparagus


  • Look for fresh varieties of asparagus, irrespective of whether the spears are thick or thin. Sugars contained in these stalks convert into starch very quickly, leading to a loss of flavour and development of a woody texture.

  • Pick up asparagus shoots by observing its colour, smoothness and ridges on the stem. An ideal one would have having a firm, straight, smooth and rich green stalk with tightly-closed tips. Grooves in the stem and a dull colour indicate that the asparagus is too mature for consumption.

  • While using asparagus in food, choose stalks that are uniformly thick from top to bottom.

  • As a general rule, you are likely to find green varieties of asparagus, which may appear brown or white in colour. Do not mistake them for the white varieties which are available in both fresh and canned and forms.


Asparagus Storage Tips


  • For best flavour and texture, use asparagus within one or two days after purchasing it.

  • If you wish to consume asparagus after a few days, it is best to wrap the ends in a damp paper towel and put in a refrigerator, until required.

  • Never wash the shoots of asparagus before storing.

  • If you intend to consume these shoots after 2 days, carefully trim the ends and position them vertically in a jar filled with an inch of water. Cover the spears with a plastic bag and refrigerate until needed.

  • A better alternative to store asparagus is by trimming the ends slightly and either leaving the spears whole or cutting them into 2 inch lengths. Blanch them in boiling water until bright green is still visible, for 1 to 2 minutes. Transfer them into ice water immediately and pack them in freezer bags, after draining. Place this in a freezer and use within 8 months for best results.

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