Read about the nutrition facts, health benefits, nutritional value and calories found in Kiwifruit

Kiwifruit Nutrition

If you love fruit salads, then you must not ignore the richness and tropical flair that a kiwi fruit can add to it! An incredible fruit, the kiwi has a wonderful and distinctive flavour that leaves your mouth with a tingling yet refreshing taste. But surprisingly, not many people are aware of this fruit as it is cultivated only in a few countries. Since it is an exotic and seasonal fruit, the kiwi is difficult to come by and is thus, most often, excluded from meals. There is, sometimes, confusion between the bird ‘kiwi’ and the fruit ‘kiwi’, although the origin of the fruit owes its name to the bird. The kiwifruit is green in colour and found in dessert topping and puddings as well, due to their sweet and delicious nature. They contain a black region of edible seeds in the centre. Surrounding the fruit is a hairy and brown skin that cannot be consumed. The taste of kiwis is often described as a blend of strawberry, banana and pineapple. Ranging from protection against macular degeneration to fighting off ageing, kiwifruits have plenty of health benefits. Let’s take look at its nutritional values as given below.




The unique and delicious kiwifruit is indigenous to China, where it was considered as a delicacy by the Great Khans. Originally from the Chang Kiang Valley in China, the kiwifruit was initially referred to as ‘yang tao’ and used as a tonic for children and women after childbirth, owing to its high nutritional value. However, it was never enjoyed and savoured as a fruit. In the beginning of the 20th century when missionaries carried kiwis from Asia, as an ornamental vine, to the United States, it was never appreciated. In 1906, this fruit was introduced in New Zealand where its cultivation was recognized commercially. Kiwifruits were renamed as ‘Chinese gooseberries’ in 1960 based on their appearance in an American restaurant. As time passed, the kiwi’s benefits were discovered and its usage gradually spread throughout the United States. These sweet and succulent berries were again renamed the ‘kiwifruit’ in honour of the national bird of New Zealand, the kiwi, whose brown and fuzzy coat resembled the fruit’s unique skin. Today, the kiwi is regarded as the ‘national fruit’ of the People’s Republic of China. The leading cultivator of the fruit is Italy, followed by New Zealand, Chile, France, Greece, Japan and the United States.


Health Benefits of Kiwifruit


  • The fiber content in kiwifruits makes them a good food for digestion and it also improves the condition of patients with diseases such as diabetes. Kiwis contain a natural occurring sugar alcohol called inositol that regulates sugar levels in the blood and binds toxic substances in the colon.

  • Kiwis help in lowering cholesterol levels and improving the health of individuals suffering from cardiovascular diseases, thus reducing the risk of heart attacks.

  • With high amounts of vitamins A, C and E present in kiwis, chances of developing macular degeneration, an age related eye disease, are reduced to a great extent. The above vitamins are also known to fight any signs of ageing and prevent damage caused by the free radicals, which are capable of destroying body cells leading to early ageing and various diseases like cancer and cardiovascular disease.

  • Loaded with minerals, kiwis help in the process of replenishment of electrolytes, particularly for people living in hot climates and athletes.

  • With various kinds of flavonoids and carotenoids present in the kiwifruit, they are useful as antioxidants. The phytonutrients are responsible for protecting the DNA against oxygen-related damage, thereby inhibiting and preventing the growth of cancerous cells.

  • This fruit is low in calories and hence, assists in weight loss. The reason behind this is its high fiber content, which keeps you feeling full all the time.

  • Research has shown that kiwifruits are beneficial for the respiratory system. A study conducted indicates that children who ate kiwifruits and other citrus fruits on a regular basis had fewer chances of developing wheezing and shortness of breath as compared to those who rarely consumed these fruits.

  • The kiwi is a storehouse of iron, which when consumed as a juice, boosts the immune system, helps in iron absorption and prevents anemia.

  • Folate, or folic acids, content in kiwis help in promoting the growth and development of new body cells that are necessary for pregnant women.

  • Kiwis contain enzymes which are highly beneficial for people suffering from arthritis or fibromyalgia. Further, they assist in lowering the risk of back pain, hip pain and sciatica.

  • Zinc is an essential mineral that is important for boys and men as it helps in the production of testosterone. Besides, this ingredient is also good for the hair, skin, teeth and nails. Kiwifruits contains a high amount of zinc and can be eaten during breakfast, dessert or as a snack.

  • Some other benefits that kiwifruits provide are prevention of flu, chronic cough, runny nose and asthma; protection against DNA mutations, reduction in the risk of impotency and assistance in times of depression and stress.


Nutritional Value & Calories In Kiwifruit 

Amount: 1 cup

Total Weight: 177 g


Basic Components

1.9 g
147 g
1.1 g
Total Calories
Calories From Carbohydrate
Calories From Fat
Calories From Protein
Total Carbohydrates
26 g
Dietary Fiber
5.7 g
16 g

Fats & Fatty Acids

Total Fat
850 mg
Saturated Fat
51 mg
Monounsaturated Fat
83 mg
Polyunsaturated Fat
508 mg
Omega-3 Fatty Acids
74 mg
Omega-6 Fatty Acids
435 mg
Vitamin A
232 IU
Vitamin C
148 mg
Vitamin E
2.6 mg
Vitamin K
71 mcg
42 mcg
66 mcg
744 mcg
Vitamin B6
112 mcg
44 mcg
Pantothenic Acid
324 mcg
13.8 mg
0.9 mg
53 mg
637 mcg
42 mg
65 mg
570 mg
7.1 mg
248 mcg
230 mcg
173 mcg
0.35 mcg

How many calories in kiwifruit (per 100 gm)

Kiwifruit has about 61 calories per 100 gm of weight.


How to Buy Kiwifruit


  • Pick up firm, plump and unblemished kiwis. The size of the kiwifruit does not affect quality or taste.

  • Select a fruit and hold it between your fingers and thumb. Gently press. If the fruit yields in to this pressure, then you have chosen a ripe kiwi. If not, the fruit is not ready to be consumed yet as it hasn’t reached the peak of its sweetness.

  • Avoid kiwis which are too soft or have bruises and moist spots.


Kiwifruit Storage Tips


  • In case you have purchased hard kiwifruits, you may leave them at room temperature to ripen. Make sure it is protected from sunlight and heat.

  • To speed up the process of ripening, wrap the kiwis in a paper bag, along with an apple, banana or pear. When fully ripened, store the fruits either at room temperature or in the refrigerator.

  • If you place an uncut kiwi in a plastic bag with a few holes punctured and in the refrigerator, it will last for atleast 6 months. However, it is advisable to consume kiwis within a week.

  • Another alternative to preserve the freshness of kiwis is as follows. Peel the fruit and cover it with heavy sugar syrup, containing ½ tsp ascorbic acid per quart of liquid. Thereafter, place them in a freezer. This increases its longevity to up to a year.

More About Kiwifruit
