Read about the nutrition facts, health benefits, nutritional value and calories found in Leeks

Leeks Nutrition

Like onion and garlic, leeks too belong to the Alliaceae family of vegetables. However, unlike onion and garlic, wherein the bulbs are used as food items, leeks are a bundle of leaf sheaths that are used for consumption. Another basic difference between leeks and other vegetables in this family is that leeks serve a completely different purpose in cooking. The leek is generally harvested during the summer or spring season but the plant may also be left out in the field to be harvested during any time of the year when it is needed. The summer and spring leeks differ from one another with respect to size and flavor. While the summer leeks are small and mild, the winter leek grows taller and has a strong flavor. Though it is the stalk of the leek that is widely used in cooking, the base of the plant is also edible. The leek may be consumed boiled, fried or raw, according to one’s taste and preference. Let’s take a look at the nutritional value and healthful benefits of leeks in the following sections.



If records in history are to be believed, the first country to use leek as a food item was Egypt. It is said that Egyptians have been using leeks in their cuisine since the 2nd millennium. Archaeologists have found dried specimens of leeks in the soils of Egypt. Carvings and drawings of the plant have also been traced over the years, making archaeologists declare that leek was an important item in the diet of ancient Egyptians. Apart from Egypt, leek was also cultivated and consumed in Mesopotamia during the same time in the 2nd millennium. Historians have found evidences of the use of leeks in Roman delicacies. Through Romans, leeks were introduced to United Kingdom where they became so popular that the plant is now regarded as the national emblem of Wales. From Rome and UK, the cultivation of leeks soon spread to different regions across Europe.


Health Benefits of Lasson Vilayiti (Leek)


  • Kaempferol present in leeks helps in protecting blood vessel linings from damage by oxygen molecules or free radicals, thereby lowering the risk of hypertension.

  • The high concentration of folate in leeks has cardiovascular benefits for the human body. The folate lessens the levels of homocysteine in the human body; thus, protecting your heart and blood vessels, and preventing cardiovascular diseases, such as coronary artery disease and atherosclerosis.

  • The antioxidant polyphenols present in leeks helps in fighting against free radicals, which are a major cause of many chronic diseases and aging.

  • The high levels of kaempferol in leeks assist the body to combat oxidative stress and chronic low-level inflammation, which can lead to diabetes, obesity and rheumatoid arthritis.

  • Being an important source of vitamin A, leeks maintain the integrity and health of the mucosal linings of the nose, throat, urinary tract, and digestive tract, thereby keeping them away from infections.

  • Due to its diuretic properties, leeks help in reducing fluid retention or edema, a condition characterized by swelling or accumulation of excess fluids in the interstitial spaces between cells or in the circulatory system. Besides, swelling also occurs during pregnancy, allergies, kidney or liver disease and exposure to heat.

  • One of the best sources of dietary fiber, leek energizes the body’s functions, including digestion and metabolism. As a result, people tend to eat slowly and properly digest the food since they are a bit hard to chew, thereby avoiding overeating.

  • Rich in the B9 vitamin known as folate or folic acid, leeks generate new cells and keep the blood healthy. Folate is especially important for women who want to become or are pregnant, as it prevents birth defects before and during pregnancy, particularly spina bifida and encephalitis.

  • Regular consumption of leeks provides sufficient amounts of calcium, which is essential for the overall health of the body. Calcium strengthens teeth and bones, functions muscles and nerves, assists in proper blood clotting and prevents its deficiency.

  • Leeks contain the water-soluble vitamin, vitamin C, which is vital for repairing body tissues, blocking some of the damage caused by free radicals, and forming collagen, a protein that produces skin, tendons, scar tissues, blood vessels and ligaments.

  • A great source of potassium, leeks helps in balancing the body’s pH and water levels, thereby contributing to healthy muscle growth, brain function and nervous system stability.

  • With antiseptic properties, leeks help the body fight against infection, lower LDL cholesterol, and increase HDL cholesterol blood levels.

  • Leeks are also known for lowering the risk of prostate, colon and ovarian cancer due to its diuretic and anti-arthritic properties.


Nutritional Value & Calories In Leeks

Amount: 1 cup

Total Weight: 89 g


Basic Components

1.3 g
73.9 g
0.9 g
Total Calories
Calories From Carbohydrate
Calories From Fat
Calories From Protein
Total Carbohydrates
13 g
Dietary Fiber
1.6 g
3.5 g

Fats & Fatty Acids

Total Fat
267 mg
Saturated Fat
36 mg
Monounsaturated Fat
3.6 mg
Polyunsaturated Fat
148 mg
Omega-3 Fatty Acids
88 mg
Omega-6 Fatty Acids
60 mg
Vitamin A
1484 IU
Vitamin C
11 mg
Vitamin E
819 mcg
Vitamin K
42 mcg
53 mcg
27 mcg
356 mcg
Vitamin B6
207 mcg
57 mcg
Pantothenic Acid
125 mcg
8.5 mg
53 mg
1.9 mg
25 mg
31 mg
160 mg
18 mg
107 mcg
107 mcg
428 mcg
0.89 mcg

How many calories in leeks (per 100 gm)

Leeks have about 61 calories per 100 gm of weight.


How to Buy Leeks


  • The leeks you purchase from the market should be firm and straight to look at. Leeks with dark green leaves and white necks are the best varieties of leeks.

  • Good quality leeks must not be wilted or yellowing. Also, check the leek bulbs for cracks or bruises on their surface. These are signs of decaying leeks.

  • While purchasing, make sure that the leeks are neither too long nor too small.

  • Preferably, all leeks you purchase should be of the same size if you have planned to cook the leeks whole. Similar sizes make cooking easier.


Leeks Storage Tips


  • Fresh leeks remain good for consumption for a maximum of two weeks if well refrigerated. Do not wash or trim the leeks before keeping them inside the refrigerator.

  • Refrigerate leeks inside a plastic bag that is loosely tied. This helps the leaves to retain moisture and ensures freshness.

  • It is advisable never to store cooked leeks. Even if cooked leek is refrigerated, it should be consumed within two days.

  • You may choose to store your leeks in a freezer, where they will remain fresh for about three months. Blanching is important before storing the leeks in the freezer. However, freezing takes away some of the original taste and texture of fresh leeks.

More About Leeks
