Read about the nutrition facts, health benefits, nutritional value and calories found in Plums

Plums Nutrition

If you are looking for something juicy and sweet to dig your teeth into then plums is a great idea! Leading the life of a typical Indian would take you back to your childhood days when your grandmother asked you to eat ‘aloo bukhara’, so you could become stronger and wiser. If plums are not on your regular diet, then include it now as they come with several health benefits. With over 140 varieties sold in the market today, you can take your pick from the most exquisite plums. If a family member does not enjoy consuming it raw, you could experiment with different recipes such as pies and puddings. Read further and know more about the nutritional facts, health benefits and how to select and store these juicy fruits called plums!




The heritage of plums as a whole cannot be traced back to a single country of origin as it is believed that different varieties were known of in different regions. The Chinese plums date back to 479 BC as they appear in the writings and songs of Confucius. Moving ahead in time, it was Pompey who introduced plums to orchards in Rome around 65 BC. Alexander the Great brought these fleshy fruits to the Mediterranean region. European plums were believed to have originated 2000 years ago in the areas near the Caspian Sea. On the other hand, the Chinese plums, which were being cultivated for thousands of years, were brought to Japan almost 400 years later. After this, they began spreading across the world. In the 17th century, European plums travelled to parts of North America. 2 centuries later, plums were found in the West because of Spanish missionaries and in the East owing to the English colonists. Today, China, Serbia, USA, Romania, Turkey, Spain, Italy and France are amongst the leading producers of plums.


Health Benefits of Aloo Bukhara (Plums)

  • Besides being delicious, succulent and fleshy, plums are low in calories and contain very little saturated fat. They are filled with numerous vitamins and minerals.

  • Ingredients such as dietary fiber, sorbitol and isatin in plums regulate a proper functioning of the digestive system and are considered remedial when used on patients with constipation.

  • Plums are an excellent source of vitamin C, a natural antioxidant, which not only improves immunity of the body against diseases but also counters inflammation and prevents cholesterol from getting oxidized by the free radicals. Besides, plums are also known to be beneficial for people suffering from atherosclerosis or diabetic heart disease.

  • Vitamin A, E, C and beta-carotene present in these fruits have proven to lower the risk of age related macular degeneration in older people. Vitamin A is specifically known to provide protection from lung and oral cavity cancers. Moreover, plums help in maintaining healthy skin and the mucus membrane.

  • Sodium is known to increase the blood pressure while potassium is known to lower it down. Fortunately, the level of potassium is greater than the level of sodium in plums. Apart from this, the fruits are an excellent source of iron that helps in red blood cell formation.

  • Compounds such as lutein, cryptoxanthin and zeaxanthin help fighting against the oxygen derived free radicals and reactive oxygen species that result in ageing and other diseases. These are present in significant amounts in plums and if consumed regularly, can act as antioxidants. Zeaxanthin, which is an important dietary carotenoid, is also known to provide light filtering functions in the retinal macula lutea.

  • Vitamins, such as B6, niacin and pantothenic acid, help the body metabolize carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Vitamin K is essential for blood clotting, bone metabolism and reducing the effects of Alzheimer’s disease. Plums have all these nutrients in plenty.


Nutritional Value & Calories In Plum 

Amount: 1 cup

Weight: 76 g

Basic Components

1.2 g


144 g


0.6 g


11.6 mg


Total Calories


Calories From Carbohydrates


Calories From Fats


Calories From Proteins


Total Carbohydrates

19 g

Dietary Fiber

2.3 g


16 g

Fats & Fatty Acids

Total Fat

462 mg

Saturated Fat

28 mg

Monounsaturated Fat

221 mg

Polyunsaturated Fat

73 mg

Omega-6 Fatty Acids

73 mg


Vitamin A

569 IU

Vitamin C

16 mg

Vitamin E

429 mcg

Vitamin K

11 mcg


46 mcg


43 mcg


688 mcg

Vitamin B6

48 mcg


8.2 mcg

Panto Acid

223 mcg


9.9 mg


281 mcg


12 mg


26 mg


259 mg


165 mcg


94 mcg


86 mcg


3.3 mcg


How many calories in plums (per 100 gm)

Plums have about 46 calories per 100 gm of weight.


How to Buy Plums

  • Plums are one of those fruits which you can pick even when unripe and then ripen at home. Remember that you cannot reverse the ageing process, so choose carefully.

  • If you are looking to consume plums right away, then start by applying slight pressure on the fruit to check for firmness and juiciness.

  • Depending on the variety - yellow green, purplish red or purplish black, choose plums that deeply coloured. Avoid those with soft and wrinkly skin, bruises or broken spots.


Plums Storage Tips

  • In case you have purchased unripe plums then you can ripen them by storing at room temperature. To speed up the process, wrap them in a newspaper or a paper bag and keep them close to other ripened fruits. But remember to keep a check on them so that they don’t become overripe and lose their quality.

  • Refrigeration of plums can be done to increase its shelf life for up to 2 days more.

  • Plums can also be frozen and kept fresh for about 6-8 months. However, it is not advisable to put unripe plums in cold storage as they will not ripen there.

More About Plums
