Read about the nutrition facts, health benefits, nutritional value and calories found in Rye Flour

Rye Flour Nutrition

Often praised for being the most important meal of the day, breakfast provides you the right amount of energy throughout the day. We all know how important nutrients are to the body; therefore, choosing a meal such as cold cereals or hot sausages, bagels and donuts, scrambled eggs or waffles, is just not enough. One of the healthiest and most satisfying options is the rye grain.  Whether it is in the form of bran, bread or flour, this meal is a nutritious powerhouse. Similar to wheat in appearance, rye is a cereal grain which is longer and more slender than with colour variations from yellowish brown to grayish green. Owing to its numerous health benefits, rye is a healthy alternative to wheat. So, if you are looking to enjoy the advantages of rye, then read through the following sections.



Whilst most other cereal grains can be traced back to prehistoric times, rye is a crop that has been recently domesticated. With history dating back to 400BC, rye was first grown in Germany. It is believed to have originated from an Asian wild grass or from a wild rye variety found in Syria, Armenia and Iran. Roman author and philosopher, Pliny the Elder, said that the rye was a food to be eaten only in times of starvation. Due to this, it was rejected a consumable. Slowly, it started gaining importance in the culture of Scandinavian and Eastern European countries. With its nutritional benefits being discovered, more and more people are incorporating this unique-tasting cereal into their diets. Currently, the Russian Federation is the world’s leading producer of rye, although it is commercially cultivated in Poland, China, Canada and Denmark.


Health Benefits of Rye


  • Consuming breads made of rye or pumpernickel, are known to lower the risk of cardiovascular disease and heart failure.

  • An excellent source of soluble fiber, rye is effective in lowering cholesterol levels, controlling blood pressure and optimizing health of the heart.

  • Rye contains the naturally occurring plant compounds, lignans, which increase the formation of plasma enterolactone by intestinal micro flora. Enterolactone is beneficial in lowering the risk of certain cancers.

  • Also, this natural compound along with enterodiol, another lignan derived from rye, are highly effective in reducing mammary tumour and inhibiting the growth of these cells in the colon and breast. By improving the bowel function, rye reduces the risk of contracting colorectal cancer.

  • Lignans, present in rye, act as phytoestrogens and antioxidants. This helps in reducing the frequency of hot flashes and vaginal dryness in postmenopausal women. Furthermore, rye is also helpful in inhibiting the onset of coronary artery complications and osteoporosis.

  • Whole-grain foods, including rye, are highly beneficial for the digestive system. The fiber obtained from rye is effective in the overall improvement of the process of digestion.

  • Breads prepared from rye are known to increase faecal output in both men and women, as opposed to wheat bread consumption.

  • Another advantage of rye is that it is ideal for treating obesity. With a high water binding capacity, the fiber in rye provides a feeling of fullness and satiety for longer durations, thereby contributing to weight loss.

  • Rye bread is exceptionally valuable in triggering a quick insulin response and thus making it a healthy alternative for people suffering with diabetes.

  • A plentiful amount of magnesium is found in rye. Hence, the activity and function of vital enzymes such as insulin secretion and glucose utilization take place.

  • Sclerosis, abcess, adenitis, vascular diseases or diseases of the heart, tonsilectomy, burns, constipation, contusion and enteritis are some of the other ailments that can be successfully treated with the consumption of rye.


Nutritional Value & Calories In Rye 

Amount: 1 cup

Total Weight: 169 g


Basic Components

17 g
18.5 g
3.4 g
Total Calories
Calories From Carbohydrate
Calories From Fat
Calories From Protein
Total Carbohydrates
128 g
Dietary Fiber
26 g
1.7 g

Fats & Fatty Acids

Total Fat
2.8 g
Saturated Fat
333 mg
Monounsaturated Fat
352 mg
Polyunsaturated Fat
1.3 g
Omega-3 Fatty Acids
183 mg
Omega-6 Fatty Acids
1.1 g
Vitamin A
19 IU
Vitamin E
1.4 mg
Vitamin K
10 mcg
534 mcg
424 mcg
7.2 mg
Vitamin B6
497 mcg
64 mcg
Pantothenic Acid
2.5 mg
51.4 mg
41 mg
4.4 mg
186 mg
561 mg
862 mg
3.4 mg
4.5 mg
620 mcg
4.4 mg
23 mcg

How many calories in rye (per 100 gm)

Rye has about 338 calories per 100 gm of weight.


How to Buy Rye


  • Rye is available as whole and in a cracked grain form. You can find rye as flour or flakes, similar to oats in appearance.

  • Rye is sold in both prepackaged and bulk containers in the grain aisle of the supermarkets. While buying it in bulk, make sure that the bins carrying it are covered, apart from the store having a good product turnover.

  • To ensure maximal freshness of the grain, make sure that the containers do not possess any evidences of moisture.


Rye Storage Tips


  • Rye should be stored in a tightly sealed container in a cool, dry and dark place. This way, the grain will last for several months without spoiling.

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