Read about the nutrition facts, health benefits, nutritional value and calories found in Tuna

Tuna Nutrition

It is the meaty texture and the intense flavour that makes tuna one of the most savoured and enjoyable seafood in all parts of the world. Mostly found in the warm water areas of the Indian, Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, the tuna fish is a member of the Scombridae family and is adored for its unique taste and succulent flesh. There are over 48 different species but the most commonly consumed ones include the yellowfin and albacore varieties. While yellowfin is characterized by its deep red colour, the albacore is found in a pale pink color. The third variety of tuna that is moderately popular is the bluefin. This type takes a long time to grow and reproduces less often, therefore making its maintenance an expensive affair. Depending upon the type of tuna fish, the nutrient content varies. Nevertheless, all the types have the presence of protein, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins and minerals. The health risks of tuna associated with mercury have been outweighed because of the health benefits it renders to the consumer. Interestingly, tuna contains more nutrients and greater levels of omega-3 fatty acids than shrimps. With valuable elements found in abundance, there are many advantages of the tuna, which you may want to check out!



Tuna first appeared in print in 1880 with its derivation being attributed to the Spanish American term ‘tunny’. The harvesting of tuna began in the United States in 1903 in the form of canned tuna. During this period, canned sardines were in demand and the consumption of tuna was almost negligible. However, a south Californian fish canner, Albert P. Halfhil, suffered a shortage of sardines in 1903, and he packed steamed tuna into cans, instead of sardines. Unaware of this fact, people started consuming this type of fish. But with the outbreak of World War I, canned tuna became a staple food of the American soldiers’ diet. The industry, thus, saw a growth and began industrial tuna fishing. Major areas were Pacific Ocean, the coast of California and the coast of Mexico. Post World War II, Japan expanded its tuna fishing, in the 1950s and the Spanish and French entered the market in the 1960s. Today, tuna is fished from the warm, temperate parts of the Pacific, Atlantic and the Indian Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea.


Health Benefits of Tuna


  • Just like other types of fish, tuna is loaded with omega-3 fatty acids that are necessary for reducing erratic heartbeat rates and it also lowers the risk of blood clots.

  • The omega-3 fatty acid count in tuna is useful for overall skincare too. Not only does it reduce inflammation, but it also reduces the risk of sunburns and skin cancer.

  • Since tuna prevents coagulation of blood and improves blood circulation, it also helps in lowering the risk of strokes. Just 1 to 3 servings of tuna per month are sufficient.

  • Consuming tuna on a regular basis helps in maintaining the levels of cholesterol and triglycerides.

  • The beneficial fatty acids present in tuna minimize chances of mental impairment in elderly people.

  • Tuna contains fatty acids that are vital in enhancing the heart rate and reducing the risk of arrhythmia to a great extent.

  • Again, the omega-3 fatty acids found in tuna help in getting rid of cholesterol from the body while enhancing the body’s natural ability to process insulin. This controls the intake of food and stimulates metabolism. As such, tuna is useful for both obese and diabetic people.

  • Canned tuna, in particular, is a rich source of lean protein, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins and minerals, which combine together to boost energy levels and allow prolonged sessions of pleasure and love-making.

  • Studies have revealed that people who consume tuna do not show signs of oral, pharyngeal, esophageal, gastric, colon and rectal cancer. Besides, the healthy fatty acids reduce the risk of breast cancer, leukemia, myeloma, lymphoma and kidney cancer too.

  • Tuna fish is very effective against the occurrence of deep vein thrombosis (DVT), a serious medical condition in the body. The occurrence of this ailment is associated with the formation of blood clots in the blood vessels of the thighs, legs and pelvis, leading to severe pain and swelling.

  • Fatty acids in tuna are also are linked to alleviating the stiffness and swelling of joints in people suffering from rheumatoid arthritis.

  • With significant amounts of selenium stored in tuna, it provides support to proper functioning of liver. It helps in flushing out toxic compounds from the blood and producing bile, important for converting fat and proteins into useful components.

  • Tuna is an excellent source of protein, necessary for building muscles, blood, skin, hair, nails and internal organs. The proteins and amino acids stimulate the rate of metabolism by maintaining muscle tones and enhancing the fat burning process.

  • Other health benefits associated with the consumption of tuna are reduced chances of contracting macular degeneration, Alzheimer’s disease, asthma and pulmonary embolism.


Tuna Nutrition Facts

Amount: 1

Total Weight: 55 g


Basic Components

13 g
39 g
0.7 g
23 mg
Total Calories
Calories From Fat
Calories From Protein

Fats & Fatty Acids

Total Fat
1.2 g
Saturated Fat
322 mg
Monounsaturated Fat
349 mg
Polyunsaturated Fat
347 mg
Omega-3 Fatty Acids
307 mg
Omega-6 Fatty Acids
16 mg
Vitamin A
421 IU
Vitamin C
183 mcg
Vitamin E
341 mcg
Vitamin K
0.028 mcg
72 mcg
85 mcg
7.8 mg
Vitamin B6
410 mcg
2.4 mcg
Vitamin B12
2.5 mcg
Pantothenic Acid
322 mcg
35.8 mg
7.5 mg
557 mcg
22 mg
138 mg
202 mg
22 mg
328 mcg
38 mcg
7.5 mcg
30 mcg

How many calories in tuna (per 100 gm)

Tuna has about 119 calories per 100 gm of weight.


How to Buy Tuna


  • Though tuna is best known in its canned forms, it is widely available in fresh, frozen, smoked, pickled, steak and fillet versions.

  • While buying fresh tuna, select those that have bright and clear eyes. The fish should have reddish gills, moist skin and tightly adherant and shiny scales.

  • Check the flesh of the meat, as fresh tuna must be moist and red or pink in colour. The flesh must also have dry or brown on the surface.

  • Smell the tuna to determine its freshness. It should smell of the sea. In case the fish has a strong and repulsive odour, then it is not advisable to buy.

  • If available, always buy frozen tuna fillet instead of thawed frozen fillets

  • Canned tuna is packed in water or oil, with the oil-packaging being more flavoured and moist.


Tuna Storage Tips


  • Fresh tuna should be refrigerated as soon as possible. Place it in the refrigerator, until you wish to prepare it. However, it is best to cook the fish on the day of the purchase.

  • If you opt for preparing tuna within two days after purchase, keep it in the refrigerator. Before that, place in a moisture-proof freezer paper or foil and wrap nicely. Squeeze out all the moisture and store in a freezer until required. This way, tuna can last up to two months.

  • Unopened canned tuna can be stored in a cool, dry area preferably a kitchen cupboard, for up to a year.

  • Once opened, place the leftover tuna in a sealed container in the refrigerator and use within 4 days.

More About Tuna
